We're Glad You're Here!
We have a variety of 11 different Small Groups that meet on Sunday morning (traditionally what we would call Sunday school). Each class is involved in various ministries throughout the church. To know more about our small groups and how you can get connected with others, contact our church office.
Find the right Sunday Group
for you!
Middle-aged adults who seek to serve Jesus by biblical study and by supporting and participating in international missions.
Twenty and thirty-year olds committed to study, service, and friendship.
This is a class for reading and discussion of the Bible as well as serving God by serving others.
This diverse group of once young adults use open discussion and weekly bible study to draw closer to God. This is an active group both inside and outside the church serving the people of God through a number of ministries.
This class is a relaxed and open discussion class using special studies through RightNow Media (Virtual study).
This class uses RightNow Media as the primary curriculum but is not limited to that format.
This group will study books of the Bible or teachings from the Bible in an informal discussion format.
This is a mature and active class who believe in the power of prayer and serving. They enjoy connection, prayer, service, and singing songs. They also support many ministries in the church.
This class often studies various books of the Bible and studies books written by Christian authors as well. They welcome folks of all ages and are committed to serving those in need.
This is a group of middle-aged adults who are studying and praying their way through the Bible.
This intergenerational class welcomes all adults who seek Jesus through prayerful, thoughtful Biblical studies and want to grow in their faith. They also support many mission projects at Saint Mark.